Cardiac / Pulmonary

Data from our national health survey shows that more than half a million Australian adults live with Coronary Heart Disease (AIHW, 2021). Sadly, every day approximately 110 Australians have a heart attack, and many do not receive the recommended treatment and support (AIHW, 2022). Ischaemic heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in Australia (ABS, 2022).  

The positive news is that heart disease death rates are falling over time, which seems to be associated with reductions in some risk factor levels (preventative care) and better treatment and care after the condition is detected (ABS 2018; AIHW 2021c). In Australia, roughly one third of patients discharged from hospital go on to attend cardiac rehabilitation (Astley et al. 2020). Cardiac rehabilitation support is increasing over time, with almost 300,000 cardiac rehabilitation service events conducted by allied health and/or clinical nurse specialists in 2018-2019 2014–15 (AIHW 2020). 

Symptoms Treatments