Diagnosing Long COVID involves ruling out other conditions with similar symptoms, as there is no specific test for it. Here are some key points:

No Specific Test: There isn’t a single test exclusively for Long COVID. Instead, doctors rely on a combination of patient-reported symptoms and clinical evaluation.

Rule Out Other Conditions: To diagnose Long COVID, healthcare professionals must exclude other potential causes of persistent symptoms. A confirmed previous test for COVID-19 can be helpful in this process.

Similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Many people with Long COVID report symptoms similar to those seen in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). These overlapping symptoms include fatigue, cognitive difficulties, and muscle pain12.

Treatment and Support: Treatment for Long COVID focuses on symptom management and improving quality of life. While some patients can be managed effectively in primary care, others may require specialist referrals for ongoing management3.

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