Young Adult Mental Health

Symptoms of mental health difficulties are very individual and depend on the type of mental health condition. Warning signs may include:

  • decline in grades or occupational functioning
  • changes in social habits
  • changed sleep and/or appetite patterns
  • significant weight changes
  • restlessness, on edge, irritability, anger
  • sadness, helplessness, hopelessness
  • self-harm, thoughts of death or suicide
  • unexplained fatigue
  • persistent mood change, or sudden emotional outbursts
  • excessive worrying or anxious behaviour
  • difficulty with memory, concentration, decision-making
  • relationship difficulties
  • apathy or avoidance
  • physical signs: reduced or sudden increase in activity, unexplained aches and pain, headaches
  • use of substances 

When should I see a health professional?

If you are (or your child is) experiencing ongoing or intense levels of distress, coping less well than usual, or there are signs of withdrawal from or problems with work, study, relationships, or other areas life, we recommend consulting a mental health professional for advice and support. 

Overview Causes